Resources for residents,
family and staff
24/7 nursing care and medical assistance
More than 30 years of experience
Retain Your Independence
COVID Safe Plan
Pets Allowed
Engaging Lifestyle
A place to belong and call home.
Government standards in aged care are important for everyone, they keep our loved ones safe and encourage the delivery of high-quality services. On this page you will find current information and resources for workers, residents and families, either working, residing or visiting one of our homes.
COVID-19 Latest Information
As a residential aged care service provider, we play an important role in ensuring residents and workers are protected against COVID-19. It’s important to ask the question: How prepared are you for a COVID-19 outbreak?
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Providers can access resources to ensure their services are doing everything possible to prevent, prepare for and reduce the impact of a COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19 vaccination is voluntary but strongly encouraged for residents in aged care facilities. It remains the most effective protection against severe illness, hospitalisation and death from COVID-19. There are consumer resources to assist residents and families to stay safe from COVID-19 and understand their provider responsibilities.
Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct for Aged Care describes how providers, their governing persons and workers must behave and treat consumers.
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Aged Care Quality Standards
The Aged Care Quality Standards help providers implement and maintain compliance with the government standards for residential aged care.
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The Quality Standards focus on outcomes for consumers and reflect the level of care and services you can expect from organisations.
The Quality standards are a set of guidelines made up of eight individual standards that can be found on the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission website.
Consumer resources are available to help clarify what these Quality Standards mean in practice.
A Quality Vision for Aged Care
Quality aged care enriches the life of older people, allowing them to age with dignity and respect and helps ensure they have the best possible life they can.
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The Aged Care Sector Committee’s vision is that all Australian Government subsidised aged care services will demonstrate high quality, consumer centred services that are safe, effective, inclusive, caring, transparent, accessible, responsive, and well-led.
More information on the committee’s vision and the eight essential characteristics for quality aged care can be found here.
Concerns and Complaints
Complaints are important because they help us improve the quality of care and services we provide to you or your loved one. We encourage anyone to raise their concerns directly with the management team, this is the fastest and easiest way to have your concern resolved.
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The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission offers a free service to support consumers and resolve complaints with providers. There are resources for the complaints process on their website.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Looking after your mental health is as important as looking after your physical health. There are resources, available online, in person, or over the phone, that can provide mental health information, support and advice.
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If you or your loved one are experiencing problems with mental health or emotional stress, there is support available.
Residents, carers and family members can find resources on a range of mental health issues prominent among older adults, along with general mental health resources.
Staff have the right to feel safe and happy while at work, if you are struggling with excessive levels of stress, mental health issues or problems at work. There are resources, support and advice to help look after your own mental health and support your colleagues.
Family owned and operated for over 30 years
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Arrange a tour to experience the Embracia Aged Care, Melbourne accommodations and meet our team. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns and we will be happy to help.